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Earth Festival Workshop-Make your own spotted lanternfly trap

Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) are on the move!  How can you help?  

Join the Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) in making DIY SLF Traps to help monitor the spread of SLF.  Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) are invasive insects from Asia that have significant negative impacts on important NY crops such as grapes and sugar maples as well as a number of native plant species.  SLF have not been detected in Otsego County but have been found in multiple counties in NY and have spread rapidly in the last few years.  Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) is key in helping slow their spread and prevent their establishment in new areas.  Homemade SLF traps are an excellent way to help scientists track and respond to SLF and are a great way for homeowners and aspiring environmentalists to take an active role in stopping their spread.  All materials will be provided, but participants are encouraged to B.Y.O.M.J (Bring Your Own Milk Jugs) and be prepared for a short jaunt outside to learn what trees are most vulnerable to SLF and how to attach your SLF Trap!

April 20

Earth Festival Workshop-Herbs 101

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